Earlier today I recieved a notifiation on Instagram that was nomination for a LIESTER AWARD by fellow blogger Denesha M. of Chronicles of a Fatshionista . Thank you so much hun for the nomination.

Here Are The Rules
- Make a post about the Liebster Award and thank the blogger that nominated you.
- State 11 interesting facts about yourself.
- Answer the 11 question asked by the blogger who nominated you.
- Nominate 11 new blogger with 500 or less followers.
- Write 11 new questions for your nominees.
11 Interesting Facts About Me
- I am originally from Bronx, NY; but now reside in Raleigh, NC.
- I'm currently in school studying pharmacology.
- My nationality is West Indian and Panamanian.
- I am addicted sushi and taco bell (I know weird...lls).
- When I was younger I wanted to be a fashion designer.
- I LOVE thrifting.
- I'm obsessed with Youtube.
- I went to private school up until high school.
- I have traveled to the UK and varies West Indian islands.
- Me and my mother like watching the Disney Channel.
- Once I finished school I want to move to Maryland.
- Do you like to set deadlines for yourself when it comes to writing a blog post?
I try to but with me being in school it's hard for me to stick to them.
- Do you prefer in-store shopping or online shopping?
I like both in-store when it has to do with thrifting and online when I find great sales.
- How do you stay organized?
Ummm, I'm not sure how organized I am...lls. I try to give things a place and keep it there...
- How long have you been blogging?
I started blogging last summer so for about a year now.
- What are 3 of your future goals?
To get my degree; To travel overseas again; To have a chance to go to Fashion Week
- What do you like about blogging?
I like blogging because I can give my own opinion and eye for fashion.
- What is your favorite movie or TV show?
New favortie movie "Thor 2"
- What is your favorite social media site?
- You has had the biggest influence on you?
My mom, she been my biggest supporter in life.
- Who inspires you?
Not trying to be overly confident, but I am my own inspiration from where I've been to where I'm going it keeps me motivated.
- Why did you start blogging?
I started blogging because I've always loved fashion and what better way to express myself.
And the Nominees Are.....
- Crystalyn of Sugary Southern Curves
- Antoinique of Laydee Posh
- Darquitta of Darquitta's Urbn Castles
- Desi of FancyDime
- Isha of An Autumns Grace
- Ashlee of Big Beautiful Black Girls
- Yasmine of Inya's Universe
- Dionne of Supersize My Fashion
- Keeona of Curvy Luxe
- Aarti of Curves Become Her
- Bee of Curvaceously Bee
Nominee's Questions
- What encouraged you start blogging?
- Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
- What's you favorite food?
- When you not blogging, what are you doing?
- Once one thing you can't live without?
- What's your favorite color?
- If the world was ending, and you could only keep 3 things what would they be?
- What song have you had on repeat lately?
- What's one of your biggest dreams?
- Vintage or New?
- Who is your celebrity fashion icon?
Thank you so much for stopping by and thank you again Denesha for the numination. Please don't for get to JOIN this page & SHARE this post.
Stay tuned for more STYLE STORIES!!!!!
Katiyah Jo'Nel